YES!! The JIMGLO Elite enclosed trailer works with the Ford Mustang GTD

Why buy an enclosed car hauler that hauls cars when you can buy an enclosed car trailer that hauls cars simply?  Find out how JIMGLO Trailers uses the latest technological advances to take enclosed car haulers to the next level.

What if you never had to crawl out the window of your car?  Not every enclosed car hauler is created equal.  Let’s think outside the box and start with the end in mind.  What would it look like if you could design a trailer that addresses your most critical issues?  That’s precisely what we did at JIMGLO Trailers when we rethought the entire trailer design.  The first order of business was to find an easier way to get out of the trailer once you drive your car inside.  The solution makes perfect sense.  If half the side of the car trailer opened up and the fender removed, that would make getting out extremely easy.  Well, that’s precisely what we did.  With the JIMGLO enclosed car hauler, it is as simple as driving in and stepping out.  Check out one of our YouTube videos to see our trailers in action.

What if you could pull the trailer with a half-ton pickup or SUV?  Reduced weight would make it easier to tow so that you could tow it with a half-ton pickup or sport utility vehicle.  Well, that issue has been addressed as well.  Using the latest technology and space-age materials, JIMGLO Trailers has designed and engineered an enclosed car hauler built using aircraft-grade aluminum and composite materials.  This has reduced the weight by over 25% compared to our previous models.  Weighting in at about 2400 pounds, it is now one of the lightest aluminum-enclosed trailers in the industry.  

What if you could tie down your car without crawling under it?  You guessed it, using the latest technology, you will never have to crawl under your car to tie it down again.  Using the Versa Track Tie-Down System (V-Track), building your enclosed car hauler to your specifications, and using an over-the-tire strap is possible.  This is a highly safe and efficient way to secure your car.  This is the method preferred by professional car transporters.  Several options include a full-length V-Track and even a recessed V-Track.  We can help educate you to ensure your enclosed car hauler is outfitted to your specifications, making it simple.